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Akiba Study


A savings intervention to reduce men’s engagement in HIV risk behaviors

A collaborative study between Impact Research and Development Organization and the University of Pennsylvania in the USA in partnership with Equity bank, Kenya


To test the impact of a “prize-linked savings” intervention on men’s engagement in high-risk behaviors (transactional sex and alcohol use), by reducing their spending on these behaviors



  • To determine the effect of the savings intervention on the following on the composite incidence of HIV and other STIs over 24 months
  • To determine the intervention’s effect on the following health and economic outcomes
    1. The total amount of savings and investment
    2. ­Total formal savings, and total household assets
    3. ­Investment behavior such as housing improvements, and schooling expenditures
    4. Expenditures on food and household needs
    5. ­Expenditures on alcohol and transactional sex
    6. ­Expenditures on gambling
    7. ­Self-reported sexual behavior, including number of transactional sex partners, total number of sexual partners and condom use.
    8. ­Alcohol use



Randomized Control Trial


Men ages 18-39 years with access to regular cash income and who are at high risk of HIV and STI infection


Siaya County


5 years


Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

Local IRB Approval:

Maseno University Ethics Review Committee – MUERC 1022/2

Current activities:

Participant recruitment

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