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Chanjo Study


A Formative Research to Inform Gonococcal Vaccine Implementation in Kenya


To collect views from stakeholders about a vaccine under development that can prevent gonorrhea infection in the future


  • Among potential recipients of a gonorrhea vaccine (target populations) – learn about their thoughts on what is important to them for a vaccine to prevent gonorrhea
  • Among professionals who work in the promotion of vaccines (e.g., MOH, MOE) – seek their advice on factors to be considered in planning for the eventual rollout of a gonorrhea vaccine


A sequential mixed-method study conducted in three phases


Phase 1: Key informants (e.g., representatives from the Ministry of Health & Ministry of Education, Healthcare Providers) & potential future vaccine recipients (e.g., Men who have sex with men, male and female sex workers, & individuals with recent or current STI)

Phase 2: Adolescents and parents/caregivers of adolescents (all genders)

Phase 3: Key Informants, potential future vaccine recipients, and parents/caregivers of adolescents


 Kisumu, Siaya, and Nairobi Counties


3 years (2021-2023)


National Institute of Health, USA


Duke University, USA

IRB Approval:

Maseno University Ethics Review Committee – MUERC 1023/21

Current Activities:

Qualitative data collection for Phase 1, and preparation for Phase 2

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